I grew up in a household that allowed me to think outside the box and for myself. I was never pressured to conform to any type of religion or anyone else’s steadfast ideas. Although certain beliefs and ideologies were presented to me over the course of my upbringing, it was in more of an academic or illuminative manner.
People within my inner circle were not religious by any means. In spite of this, I was exposed to different forms of religion and spirituality, as a child and teen. I actually grew up living between two homes, surrounded by my biological parents and their partners. Interestingly, my step mom was going to school to become an archeologist, and from a young age I remember having the sense that she was more atheist than spiritual. On the other hand, my maternal grandma was into a myriad of spiritual practices, from energy healing to animal spirit guides. Contrarily, my aunt and uncle were Christians who went to church every Sunday. I vividly remember attending the church services, when I would sleep over at their house with my cousins. With this in mind, I was exposed to a range of theories and attitudes in regard to religion and spirituality. Yet, these beliefs were never forced on me. Instead, these various experiences opened my eyes to what is out there in the world, and helped me to form my own perspective on life and life after death.
As an adult, I consider myself to be exceptionally spiritual. It would take a lot of explaining on my part, if I were to try to share my complete perspective. So, I’m not going to do that on this blog post. Nevertheless, I will shed some light on my beliefs, by specifying the scope of spirituality that resonates with me. I want to do this not because I think other people should believe the same things as I do, but to connect with others that have beliefs that coincide.
Essentially, I believe we are all souls, who have chose to incarnate and exist on this physical plane, to learn, grow, and feel what it’s like to be in a body with emotions and turmoil. I think we are all innately powerful, extensions of the divine. At the same time, I also believe in beings that live in other realms. Sometimes this form of consciousness is referred to as aliens, cryptids, or spirit people.
More often than not, I feel somewhat isolated in my ideologies. Although there is plenty of literature, documentaries, and other mediums dedicated to talking about and growing in spiritual practices. Unfortunately, I don’t really know anyone personally, besides my own husband, who is passionate about these things.
I could go down a rabbit hole sharing all of the spiritual minded convictions and exercises I subscribe to. To avoid this, I’m going to write out a simple list of “spiritual” topics that are intriguing and important to me. This way, people can skim the list and only pay attention to what feels true or has meaning for them.
Akashic Records
Energetic fields
Psychic abilities & clairvoyance
Past lives
Spell craft
Energy healing
Dream visits
Astral travel
Interdimensional beings
Spirit guides
Sacred geometry
Sound healing
Patterns, symbols, and synchronicities
These are all fascinating topics that I would love to explore deeper with readers, at some point. I wholeheartedly believe these aspects of spirituality should be studied ardently. Instead of labeling these things as pseudoscience, there should be more dedicated research initiatives. At this point in time, there is so much humanity doesn’t understand about existence. To point out, I have a BA in psychology and a couple of my favorite academics include Dr. Raymond Moody, Carl Jung, and Dr. Michael Newton. They are known for their spiritually minded work, that continues to alter perspectives and bring about paradigm shifts for those who are paying attention.
All that being said, let’s get into the tools and practices that I’m presently feeling drawn to. These are things that have felt important to me over the last month or two (although I have been aware of them for many years). I have been integrating these methods into my spiritual routine, through simple awareness and guided practice.
Manifesting with Sigils
(Click to explore)
Astral Travel & Dream Work
Listen to episode 36: The Birthing Tent
(Click to explore)
Uncovering Psychic Abilities
(Click to explore)
Life After Death
(Click to explore)