Understand + Manage Challenging Behaviors!
(Get the FREE mini workshop)
All behaviors are communication, even challenging ones. Although you may be aware of this, it might still be difficult to understand the function (the "why") of these tricky behaviors. Even if you have figured out the WHY, all the opinions and information available in this technological era make it hard to know WHAT parenting strategies to use or avoid.
For these reasons, you NEED more information about The Pyramid Model & The Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence Approach! These research based methodologies help parents and educators support children and their unique needs. These POWERFUL models are designed to facilitate executive functions and resilience, while amending challenging social, emotional, and behavioral patterns in young children. By learning these strategies you will be able to apply effective guidance techniques that teach children positive communication, prosocial interaction, resiliency, and self regulation skills.
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